This service enables travelers to check-in and collect their pet at the passenger terminals of their flight’s departure and arrival airports. The pet will be loaded in an aircraft hold just beneath the passenger cabin where it will be safe and in a temperature controlled environment. Please contact your local THAI office for specifications of portable cages or holds for pets.
Note: Pets as AVIH are not allowed on the following routes due to quarantine or other conditions.
Flight to Auckland, Denpasar, Dubai, Hong Kong and London
Flight to/ from Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
Flights operated on aircraft A320.
Embargo Of Snub-nosed And Other Dog Breeds
For the safety of this special kind of pet, THAI bans the following 34 dog breeds from acceptance as checked baggage. (For cargo acceptance, please contact directly to Cargo Department )
1. Affenpinscher
2. American Bulldog / Bully
3. American Pit Bull Terrier
4. American Staffordshire Terrier
5. Boston Terrier
6. Boxer (All Breeds)
7. Brussels Griffon
8. Bull Terrier
9. Bulldog
10. Cavalier Spaniel
11. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
12. Chinese Pug
13. Chow Chow
14. Dogue De Bordeaux
15. Dutch Pug
16. English Bulldog
17. English Staffordshire Bull Terrier
18. English Toy Spaniel
19. French Bulldog
20. Japanese Chin
21. Japanese Pug
22. Japanese Spaniel
23. King Charles Spaniel
24. Lhasa Apso
25. Mastiff (All Breeds)
26. Olde English Bulldog
27. Pekinese
28. Pit Bull
29. Pug
30. Shar Pei
31. Shih Tzu
32. Spanish Alano
33. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
34. Tibetan Spaniel